Transatlantic Leaders Forum

October, 18th, 2024
200 Vessey Street NYC

Presented by

co-organized with


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This year, for our  6th edition,  we invite you to not only witness but actively engage in a journey of boldness, innovation, and collaboration.

Dare to Innovate, Care to Inspire, Share to Transform.


Gain insights from transatlantic relations, finance, impact, and tech leaders, who exemplify bold decision-making and innovation.


Delve into the interplay of deep tech, innovation, and responsibility, crucial for crafting a sustainable future.


Witness the transformative power of sharing knowledge, catalyzing collective growth and impactful change.

Be part of this dynamic journey in reshaping the future of transatlantic business with groundbreaking ideas and collective vision.

Transatlantic Change Makers unite to shape tomorrow’s Success.
Curated by Frenchfounders and co-organized with [ A definir position de TKH & GS ] the TLF is a very special day gathering in NYC, a unique opportunity to dare, care and share and build the future of your business.

Join us this october in the heart of New York City for a one-day, transformative experience at the Transatlantic Leader Forum 2024. This exclusive event is designed to be a catalyst for growth, innovation, and leadership among the luminaries of tomorrow's business world.

Who will be there

You! Among 500 hand-picked attendees, forming the core of our exclusive event. Individuals who embody the brightest minds from dynamic, fast-scaling, and future-oriented transatlantic companies spanning the United States and France. You'll have the unparalleled opportunity to network with:

Joining us from

Rediscover the magic of the 2023 edition

Dive into last year's event - a treasure trove of inspiring speakers in keynotes, and dynamic fireside chats, all available for replay. Relive the unforgettable moments and arm yourself with actionable insights to supercharge your year. Get ready to be inspired all over again, just in time for our upcoming gathering in october 18th, .

Previous speakers

Elevate your brand in NYC

Gain unparalleled visibility and connect with business leaders in an environment ripe with innovation. This is your moment to shine at the heart of transatlantic business exchange.

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